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scrum tool

Some of the things the free Practical Agile scrum tool can do

Use Epics to group product themes or feature sets (You can order these independently from the Backlog)
Break epics down into sub-epics or stories into tasks
Hovering over a collapsed epic will expand it.
Assign categories to projects to group them on the project list.
Use comments against the Project to record key project information or decisions.
Use comments against an Iteration to keep a log of your standups and retrospectives
Select a card, hold the left button down and use 'page-up/down' or the up/down keys to move cards large distances.

Practical Agile Free scrum tool usability blitz

I am busy with a bug and usability blitz. (check the release notes!)
If you have things that have been irritating you, or things that could simply work a little better or simpler, then please let me know via the contact page. I am also thinking about dropping the html formatting in favour of markdown, what is the general view out there?. Keep an eye on the Download page for a One Stop windows install, or on github.

Practical agile Free Scrum Tool now on Github

The Practical agile Free Scrum Tool is now on Github.
Practical agile Free Scrum Tool is now on Github. browse to to find it.
It is obviously still available as an archive here.

Free practical Agile Scrum tool now available!

A free, simple and easy to use Scrum tool that is specifically aimed a teams new to scrum that don't want to battle with learning a complicated tool while busy learning scrum. The tool (I hope) helps re-enforce Scrum principles, makes sure everybody knows what is happening and who is looking after it.
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