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Sprint/Iteration Review

The point is not to show that your software works but that it is useful and valuable
No smoke and mirrors and never ever show anything that is not 100% done


  1. The Scrum Master opens the review and reiterates the purpose
    • Show what the team has built during the last sprint
    • Engage with the audience
    • Collect feedback
  2. The Scrum Master presents the sprint
    • Tell the story of the sprint:
    • How did it go?
    • Leeches / Absence?
    • New team members?
    • Anything else important?
    • Give a status of the sprint and an overview of which stories were finished and which ones weren't
  3. For each story:
    • The team member shows the story description and describes the boundaries (explain the acceptance criteria without reading them out)
    • Demonstrate the feature on a real system
    • Take questions and listen to feedback
    • Collect ideas for new features and user stories to include on the product backlog.
    • Repeat for all user stories ‘Done’ during the sprint.
  4. The Product Owner discusses the Product Backlog
    • Are there Any Key Dates.
    • What is the upcoming Key Work
    • The entire group collaborates on what to do next. (Input to subsequent Sprint Planning Session)
  5. Scrum Master closes session
    • Wrap up
    • Communicate the time and date for the next end-of-sprint review.
