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Searching for Stories
In the header is a search box that accepts a special search syntax to find stories. A word search is performed and no matches are returned against partial words as it is currently performing a like search (like %text%)

Text Search
Type text into the box to search for it within the story, tasks or comments of that story.
Example: my search

Special Search Criteria are:
#,owner, status, size, tag & type (case is irrelevant)

By story number
You can find a story by its number by using a hash (#)
Example: #10

By Owner
You can find stories owned by someone by typing owner: and their initials.
Example: owner:ppl

By Status
Find stories of a particular status by typing status: the status.
Example: status: done

By Tag
Find stories with a particular tag by typing tag: tagtext.
Example: tag: bug

By Type
Find stories of a particular type typing type: typetext.
Example: type: chore

Special search tags can NOT be combined either by themselves or with some text (yet).
Having these tags though does mean that you can’t search for a story containing the tag (including the ‘:’ ) as the start of a search term.