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Practical Agile allows you to use releases to track progress on an arbitrary body of work, across projects. It uses a simple bottom-up model that allows you to create Releases and assign Stories to them across projects, and then track progress of those releases.
They can only be created by a global admin, but anybody that can edit a Story, can add it to a Release. Details of Releases are available from the Organisation Admin as well as Project admin Menus
Release Planning is available from the Organisation Menu or from the Project Menu. In all instances you are only presented with projects that you have access to.
Project admins can view Release details for those Projects that they have access to but will not see details for Projects that they do not normally have access to. In other words, you will not be able to view all the contents of a Release if you do not have rights to all the Projects in that Release,
Details for a Release are presented in a similar fashion to a Project Tree where the work in the Release, its Parent Epics and their progress are presented to each Project in the Release.
ONLY those Cards in the Release are presented in the tree, this means that the Points against an Epic (the total Points for that Epic) may not equal the work in the Release. Some may already have been Release or schedule for Release at a later date.
Tracking progress on a release is simple. A summary of the card, their status and size is available for the entire release as well as for each project in the release.
To start using the release planning tool,

  1. Create a release from the Organisation Admin Menu.
  2. Once at least one card has been added to the release (Edit a story) that project will be included in the release.
  3. At this stage, the release will be made available on the ‘Project Admin’ Menu and the ‘Quick Edit’ features for a release will be made available.
  4. These Quick Edit Features include:
    • Adding or removing
    • The entire Project
    • All ‘Done’ work
    • All work not ‘Done’
    • The contents of any ‘Epic’, but not any further Child Epics.

These features only act on cards/Stories that are not already included in a release. Eg if a card is included in ‘Release 5’ it will not be moved to the current release (eg Release 4) but remain where it is.
Also, when including all ‘Done’ work for a project in a release, any work that has bene previously release will remain in that release.
It would be good practice to use the ‘Not in Release’ report to check for any ‘Done’ work, as well as checking later Releases for any ‘Done’ work that could/should be included in the current release.