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There are a handful of built in reports that can be deleted or extended as you wish.

  • My Current Stories
  • My ''Done'' Stories
  • All Work
  • All ''Done'' Work
  • All Outstanding Work
  • Un-sized Stories
  • Has Children
  • Has Parent
  • NO Parent

Hitting the report name will present the results on screen.
Selecting the export icon to the right of the report name will send the results to a csv file and no report results will be presented.

There are two types of reports that are available:

Type 1 – (External = 1)
Essentially you are building a query that returns a list of cards for the current project. Something along the lines of
SELECT * FROM story where story.Project_ID=”Current Project’" and ([Conditions]) order by [Some order].

Type 2 – (External = 2)
These are more hardcode and return pretty much anything.
The sql used to build the report is a concatenation of the QSQL and Qorder columns (remember to have a space at the end of QSQL or the start of Qorder or you risk a syntax error and incorrect results returned.)

All reports are available across all projects. There is a rudimentary report editor availe from the Menu

The QSQL & Qorder can include replaceable parameters as follows, otherwise actual column names must be used.
{Project} – Current Project
{User} – Logged on User
{Iteration} Current Iteration (remember that the backlog simply an iteration)
{Backlog} - Current Project Backlog

The easiest way to get our head around this is to have a look at an existing report, duplicate and amend it