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Select the database to use (MySQL or SQLite)
1. Download and extract either the Full install or site only install as detailed below
2. Browse to the directory containing the extracted files
3. Browse to udrive/www/pa/include/
4. Open and edit as indicated in the file (if you are not sure then don’t change anything)
a. date_default_timezone_set
b. dbdriver
c. dbhost (if NOT using the full install)
d. dbport (if NOT using the full install)
e. dbuser (if NOT using the full install)
f. dbpass (if NOT using the full install)
g. sqlitedb (if using sqlite)

Quick Install (Windows only)
Defaults to MySQL as the database
1. Download and extract the ‘PA-Full- Install’ file into a new directory ‘e.g. PracticalAgile ’ on the server you want to use (a local PC is fine for testing)
2. Browse to the directory containing the extracted files
3. Open and examine _Start.bat and _Stop.bat
4. Run _start.bat and make sure both Apache and Mysql start up or
5. Run _startSQLite.bat and make sure Apache starts up
6. Navigate to
7. Log in as admin : admin (Yes I know that is not an e-mail address)
8. Import the default hints from the included hints,.txt file (Org. Admin menu)
9. Browse the template and/or create your first Project.
10. To resize your icons use ‘ _icon_resize.bat’ in the pa/images folder (Default of 24 work fine)

Slightly Slower Install
1. Grab a XAMPP package that include the above requirements somewhere. (‘xampp-portable-lite-win32-1.8.1-VC9’ from PortableApps work well for me)
2. Install it and makes sure that it works.
3. Download and extract the ‘PA-Site-Only’ installation file somewhere.
4. Drop the entire ‘pa’ folder into your document root
5. Edit pa/include/ and make sure that the server, port, user and password are correct.
6. Make sure that MySQL is running
7. Edit the file ‘_setupdatabase.bat’ and correct any paths, ports, usernames and passwords.
8. Save and Execute the batch file (or the commands from the file)
9. Stop and restart both MySQL and Apache
10. Navigate to http:///pa
11. Log in as admin : admin
12. Change the admin password and e-mail if you wish
13. Import the default hints from the included hints,.txt file (Org. Admin menu)
14. Create your first Project
15. To resize your icons use ‘ _icon_resize.bat’ in the pa/images folder.

Full *NIX install and update coming soon